Grade one-c

Iran Cultural and Educational Center

Persian Language Development by Proficiency Language Skills Levels

 Novice Low – Grade 1-C ( to be modified)

Listening Comprehension:

I can recognize memorized words and phrases when I hear them spoken. (Interpretive Listening) 

Students can  …

1.  Understand some commonly used classroom expressions and directions.
2.  Understand basic information such as days of the week, months, numbers, times, dates and four cardinal points.
3.  Understand words associated with the immediate environment, such as familiar objects in the classroom and home.
4.  Understand one-step instructions, such as “open your notebook”, “stand up”, “sit down”, “go to the board.”
5.  Understand simple and short descriptions, such as familiar people, pets, objects, seasons, a celebrations, etc.
6.  Understand simple questions such as “What’s your name?”, “Where do you live?”, “Do you like?”,  What grade are you in? etc.
7.  Understand simple, multi-step instructions when gestures and/or repetitions are used. *
8.  Understand short and simple conversation on familiar topics, such as, family, daily routine, school subjects, etc. *
9.  Understand familiar stories that follow a logical order.
10. Understand when and where an event will take place. *

 Speaking – Interpersonal and Presentational Speaking:

 I can present information about myself and some other familiar topics using single words and memorized phrases. (Presentational Speaking)

I can communicate on some very familiar topics using single words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized. (Interpersonal)

Students can…

1.  Greet and take leave of someone using single words and memorized phrases.
2.  Introduce themselves to someone (name).
3.  Answer “yes/no” or “either/or” questions.
4.  Respond to simple questions familiar topics such as family, daily routines, school, days of the week, times and dates, cardinal points, etc. using memorized phrases.
5.  Name the time, day, month and year with a prompt.
6.  Answer simple questions (ex.: who, what, when, where).
7.  Name members of immediate family in short and simple sentences.
8.  Describe familiar people and objects using adjectives. *
9.  Respond to questions about basic feelings, likes and dislikes.
10. Identify the beginning, middle and of familiar narrative and expository texts. *

 Presentational Writing:

I can copy or write some familiar words, phrases and short and simple sentences.

Students can…

1.  Write dictated letters.
2.  Write syllables that are dictated.
3.  Write words that are dictated
4.  Write simple, structured sentences following a model.

Reading Comprehension – Interpretive Reading:

I can identify a few learned words and sentences when I read. 

Students can…

1.  Match the sound to correct letter.
2.  Decode by syllables.
3.  Follow along the page when familiar text is being read. *
4.  Read high frequency words for this level.
5.  Read short, simple phrases and sentences with familiar words.
6.  Read aloud grade level text with appropriate speed, accuracy, and expression. *
7.  Identify the characters and setting in a short and familiar story accompanied with visuals and gestures. *
8.  Demonstrate understanding (verbally or through pictures/words) of a short text.

*  These learning goals may not be achieved in Grade 1-C.