Author Archives: ICECadmin

First 2017-2018 CSA(Anjoman) Meeting

Parents of Current and former ICEC Students and ICEC Friends and Alumni

Community & School Association (CSA)- “ Anjoman”- of Iran Cultural & Educational Center invites you to join them for their first meeting of the year following the classrooms visit on Saturday October 21, 2017 from 10:45 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. 

The agenda for this meeting is as follows:

1. Welcome words by Ms. Arbabi Director of the ICEC

2. Review of CSA’s mission and review of last year’s activities

3. Financial report for last year

4. Future goals & plans

5. Overview of CSA’s committees & committee sign ups

6. New officers election

Please attend this meeting. Your involvement and help in Community & School Association, “Anjoman”, will enhance the quality of the cultural activities planned for our Children.


2017-School Visit


بازدید از کلاس های مرکز

,مادران و پدران گرامی

.مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران از شما دعوت می کند در روز شنبه 21 اکتبر سال 2017 از  کلاس های فارسی این مرکز دیدن کنید

.روز بازدید از کلاس ها بهترین زمان برای آشنایی شما با آموزگاران فرزندانتان و آگاهی از برنامه های آموزشی مرکز خواهد بود

:برنامه روز شنبه 21 اکتبر سال 2017 به ترتیب زیر خواهد بود

1 – از ساعت 9:50   تا 9:45   بامداد:           خوش آمد گوئی سرپرست مرکزفرهنگی و آموزشی ایران

2 – از ساعت 10:10 تا 9:55   بامداد:           بازدید از کلاس های آمادگی ، اول  و دوم

3 – از ساعت 10:30 تا 10:15 بامداد:           بازید از کلاس های سوم ، چهارم ، پنجم ، ششم ، هفتم و هشتم

.شرکت شما خانواده های گرامی در این برنامه سبب پشت گرمی و تشویق فرزندانمان و پیشبرد هدف های این مرکز خواهد بود

                                                                                              با سپاس

                                                                                              مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران

.انجمن خانه و مدرسه مرکز از شما دعوت می کند که در پایان بازدید از کلاسها در اولین جلسه انجمن شرکت نمایید

Dear Parents,

Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) would like to invite you to visit the classes on Saturday, October 21, 2017.

Visiting the classes will be an opportunity for you to meet the teachers and become familiar with the program of studies.

The schedule for visiting classes:

·          9:45 –    9:50 A.M. Welcome remarks by school officials

·          9:55 –  10:10 A.M. Visiting kindergarten, first, and second grades.

·        10:15 –  10:30 A.M. Visiting third, forth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight grades.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 21, 2017.

Please join us for  Community and School Association (CSA) ( aka, Anjoman) at 10:40

2017 Back to School Visit

School Communications

Parents of Current and former ICEC Students and ICEC Friends and Alumni

Welcome to new school year,

We will communicate with you through Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) website and ICEC email group.

Please check this website regularly for information and updates.

The information regarding unexpected school closing due to inclement weather condition or any other reason will be posted here.  You may also check school operation section in the middle of the home page, as shown below, to find out about schools closing.

ICEC Emails:

The emails that you receive from us are two types:
  1. Emails from the teachers as a means of communication to inform you about the instruction and other relevant class activities;
  2. Emails from ICEC, to communicate events, news, and school operation status.

Please check your email and also spam or promotional folder to see if our emails are there and move them to your inbox.  At the bottom of ICEC emails, there is an option that you can use to update your preference to get email from different committees or use unsubscribe option if you are no longer affiliated with the ICEC and wish to be removed from the email list. 


  If you have any questions please email

Mehregan 2017

جشن مهرگان

،مادران و پدران گرامی

انجمن خانه ومدرسه مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران برای گرامی داشت جشن ملی مهرگان ،  جشن دوستی و مهربانی ، برنامه کوتاهی را  در سالن گردهم آیی مرکز برگزار خواهد کرد. دانش آموزان را به پوشیدن لباس های محلی تشویق می کنیم

:زمان برنامه

روز شنبه 14 اکتبر 2017

ساعت 11:00 تا 11:30 بامداد


تاریخچه مهرگان 

         شعر خوانی

رقص و موسیقی

Mehrgan Festival


Dear Parents,

Community and School Association of Iran Cultural & Educational Center (ICEC) will be offering a short program in celebration of Mehrgan. This program aims to familiarize our students with this ancient festival that celebrates kindness and reaffirms friendship. Students are encouraged to dress in traditional costumes.



          Saturday October 14, 2017

          11:00 – 11:30 A.M.

          Richie Park Elementary School Cafeteria

 Click here to download flyer.2017 Mehrgan Festival

2017 Professional Development

On Saturday, September 9th, the ICEC staff took part in a half-day professional development conducted by Dr. Myriam Met, the internationally acclaimed leader in the field of second language acquisition and standards-based instruction.  IMG_0245The combination of brain research supported theory and hands-on practice workshop aimed to model how language skills are acquired through meaningful tasks.  The participants were able to identify that Generating interest through meaningful tasks is paramount to active listening and thus learning.IMG_0246

Dr. Met used gradual release of responsibility approach (I do, We do together, You do in small groups – guided practice-, and You do individually) to engage the participant in the process of learning and to help them apply what they have learned through small group tasks.


No Parking at Potomac Woods Swim Club

Dear Parents:
It has been brought to our attention by Potomac Woods Swim Club (PWSC); the property adjacent to Ritchie Park Elementary School, that some ICEC families are utilizing their parking area to park their cars. PWSC is a private property and they may arrange for vehicles without permit to be towed.
Please refrain from parking your cars on their property. ICEC families may use only the Ritchie Park parking space or park along Dunster Road, where it is permitted.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.




Pre-Registration (New Families)

On line Pre-registration of New students is closed.

You need to go to Ritchie Park Elementary School on Saturday September 9, 2017 to register in person, based on priority and space availability. 

Registration Priority:

1-Returning Students
2- Returning Students’ siblings
3- Pre-registered  New Families
4- Walking New families


School Address:

Ritchie Park Elementary School
1514 Dunster Road
Rockville MD 20854

Registration for 2017-2018 School Year

On-Line Registration

ICEC registration will be done online starting August 20th.  

The returning families need to login using their login name or registered email address to access the site for registration.

The new families have to pre-register on-line from August 20th to September 7. The new students who miss the on-line pre-registration, can come to school at 10:00 am on Saturday September 10th and put their name on the waiting list.  Click here to see the registration flowchart.

Information about Persian Dance Troupe (PDT), Young Iranian Performers (YIP) and Young Iranian Musicians (YIM) will be available on-site (Ritchie Park ES on September 9 and September 16, 2017.

Registration Priority:

1-Returning Students
2- Returning Students’ siblings
3- Pre-registered  New Families
4- Walking New families

Please use the following links to login to an already existing account or create an account:

  • Returning Families  (Online until September 9th- register and pay using paypal or credit card) 
  • New Families  (Online Pre-registeration until September 7th). Or go to school on September 9th at 10:00 to fill your application. priority is given to online pre registration)

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please email

2017-2018 Scholarship

It is with great pleasure to announce that the Iran Arbabi Scholarship for the academic year 2017-2018 was awarded to Miss Yasmine Talaminaei.  Miss Talaminaei’s application was carefully reviewed by an independent panel of experts selected by the Board of Trustees of Iran Cultural and Educational Center. Miss Talaminaei’s outstanding academic achievements, her tireless participation in activities within the Persian community and her commendable involvement in ICEC’s educational and cultural activities were major factors in her selection. The amount of this year’s scholarship, as approved by ICEC Board, is $2,000 for a full academic year payable in two equal installments (one per semester/quarter).   For more information about the Program please visit:2017-2018 Iran Arbabi Scholarship Program