Author Archives: ICECadmin

Nowruz and Yalda Committees Meeting

مادران و پدران گرامی

  کمیته نوروز مرکز فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران از شما دعوت می کند در نخستین نشست خود در تاریخ ۱۲ نوامبر ۲۰۱۶ از ساعت۴۵: ۹ تا  ۱۰:۴۵بامداد در کلاس شماره ۱۲۴ مرکز شرکت کنید

جشن نوروز بزرگترین جشن ملی ایرانیان است  که مرکز  فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران هر سال با همیاری شماری از خانواده ها برگزار   می کند

امیدراریم با شرکت و همیاری شما در این نشست امسال نیز مانند سال های پیش این جشن با شکوه هر چه بیشتر برگزار شود.

:برنامه این نشست به ترتیب زیر خواهد بود

   آشنایی با کمیته نوروز و چگونگی کار آن *
بررسی  برنامه سال پیش *
نام نویسی در کمیته های نوروز و انتخاب هماهنگ کننده کمیته نوروز  *
اطلاعات در مورد جشن نوروز ۱۳۹۶ *



نشست کمیته یلدا مرکز فرهتگی و آموزشی ایران
کمیته یلدا مرکز فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران از داوطلبان همکاری در برنامه حشن شب یلدا دعوت می کند که در نخستین  نشست  خود در پایان جلسه نوروز شرکت کنند

ICEC Nowruz Committee’s Meeting 

Dear Parents,

Nowruz Committee of Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) would like to invite you to attend the first ICEC Nowruz Committee meeting on Saturday November 12, 2016 from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM in Room 124.

Nowruz is one of the most important Iranian celebrations and it is the biggest event which is being held every year with support and participation of ICEC families.

Meeting agenda:
1- Nowruz committee organization
2- Review of last year Nowruz survey
3- Volunteers signups, and election of new Nowruz coordinator
4- Information about Nowruz 1396

Your participation and support of Nowruz Committee will be critical to make this celebration another successful event.

ICEC Nowruz celebration will be on Saturday March 11, 2017.



Yalda Committee Meeting

Following Nowruz Committee Meeting, Yalda committee will meet to prepare for this year’s celebration. Please plan to attend.

Parents’ Visiting Day

Dear Parents,

Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) would like to invite you to visit the classes on Saturday, October 22, 2016.

Visiting the classes will be an opportunity for you to meet the teachers and become familiar with the program of studies.

The schedule for visiting classes:

  • 9:45 –  9:50 A.M. Welcome remarks by school officials
  • 9:55 –  10:10 A.M. Visiting kindergarten, first, and second grades.
  • 10:15 –  10:30 A.M. Visiting third, forth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight grades.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 22, 2016.


بازدید از کلاس های مرکز 

,مادران و پدران گرامی 

مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران از شما دعوت می کند در روز شنبه 22 اکتبر سال 2016 از  کلاس های فارسی این مرکز دیدن کنید

روز بازدید از کلاس ها بهترین زمان برای آشنایی شما با آموزگاران فرزندانتان و آگاهی از برنامه های آموزشی مرکز خواهد بود

برنامه روز شنبه 22 اکتبر سال 2016 به ترتیب زیر خواهد بود 

 از ساعت 9:45 تا 10:50 بامداد:           خوش آمد گوئی سرپرست مرکزفرهنگی و آموزشی ایران

از ساعت 9:55 تا 10:10 بامداد:           بازدید از کلاس های آمادگی ، اول  و دوم

 از ساعت 10:15 تا 10:30 بامداد:           بازید از کلاس های سوم ، چهارم ، پنجم ، ششم ، هفتم و هشتم

شرکت شما خانواده های گرامی در این برنامه سبب پشت گرمی و تشویق فرزندانمان و پیشبرد هدف های این مرکز خواهد بود

                                                                                              با سپاس

                                                                                              مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران

School Closing on 10/01/2016

Dear Parents,

We got word that Ritchie Park will be doing some emergency repair work at the school this weekend, and they need to cancel all community use, consequently we won’t be able to hold classes this Saturday. We will be posting a sign regarding the cancellation on the All-Purpose Room’s door to inform families who may not check the ICEC website, or their e-mails. We will be resuming classes on Saturday, October 1st. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday October 8, 2016!


Iran Cultural and Educational Center


2016-2017 Registration

On-line Registration from August 20, 2016- September 8, 2016: (click)

•All current families with no new student, can log in the site and register for the new year and pay with credit card or Paypal account through Paypal. ( August 20, 2016 to September 10, 2016)
•All current families with a new student, must log in the site and register the new student for the new year before September 8, 2016 to keep their priority. They can pay with credit card or Paypal account through Paypal.
•All New families must pre register at ICEC site  Before September 8, 2016 and complete registration on registration day

On-Site Registration:

Saturday September 10, 2016  (10:00 am to 12:00 noon)

•Pre-registered new families finish evaluation and registration.
•Walking new families fill application and finish evaluation and registration.
•Existing families who want to pay by check, finish registration.

Registration Priority:

1-Returning Students
2- Returning Students’ siblings
3- Pre-registered  New Families
4- Walking New families

All new students will be evaluated and, based on space availability, placed in the appropriate class. If the demand exceeds the capacity, a wait-list on a first come first served basis will be established.

Click on the link below for more information and registration link for new students:

More Information and Registration link  (Click)

Nowruz 1395-March 13, 2016

Nowruz 2016 celebration will be on Sunday March 13, 2016 at Watkins Mill High school.

This site is used to reserve tickets for this event for ICEC members. Note that this site is not used to pay for reserved tickets, all ticket payments are collected at school when tickets are picked up. (By clicking on paypal icon, you only will reserve your tickets). Please note that due to space availability, the numbers of tickets are limited and are on first come first serve basis. All the current students and their parents have 1st priority in getting tickets and must purchase their tickets from February 6th to February 20th. You can reserve your additional tickets through this site/or the waiting list at school from 9:40 am to 12:15 pm. After February 27th, any available ticket will be offered to student’s other family members and guests based on the waiting list. Please follow the ticket link below to complete the form and provide your information. You will receive a confirmation email to let you know the number of additional tickets that you can receive.  No tickets will be available to purchase after March 5th.

Discounted Adult Ticket Price: $35.00 If purchased on or before February 20th at school
Adult Ticket Price: $40.00 If purchased after February 21st.

Tickets will not be available on the day of event.

Please enter a name and email address for your confirmation and tickets
Choose your tickets and pay for them at PayPal. You will fill in your ticket information after your purchase is completed.

Winter Break

ICEC will be closed for winter break.  There will not be any school on December 26 and January 2nd.  Enjoy your winter break.  See you on January 9th, 2016.

Happy New Year.

Yalda 2015

جشن شب یلدا

 ،مادران و پدران گرامی

برای آشنا کردن دانش آموزان با جشن های ملی، آموزگاران و انجمن خانه و مدرسه مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران برنامه ای به مناسبت شب یلدا  در سالن گرد هم آیی مرکز برگزار خواهند کرد
.از شما خانواده های گرامی در خواست می کنیم که با فرزندان خود در این جشن شرکت کنید.
دانش آموزان می توانند در آن روزلباس های محلی بپوشند
: زمان برنامه
روز شنبه 19 دسامبر2015
ساعت 11:00 تا 11:30
: برنامه
قصه مادر بزرگ
رقص و موسیقی

Yalda Celebration

Dear Parents,

Community and School Association of Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) and the instructional staff invites you to attend annual Yalda Celebration. This program aims to familiarize students with this ancient celebration.

We encourage students to dress in traditional outfits.

Saturday December 19, 2015
11:00 – 11:30 A.M.
Richie Park Elementary School Cafeteria


Yalda Meeting-2015

Dear Parents,

Following the Nowruz Committee meeting on Saturday November 7, 2015, the Yalda committee will meet in school cafeteria from 11:00 am to 11:30 am to plan and prepare for this year Yalda celebration which will be held on Saturday December 19th.