Author Archives: ICECadmin

Nowruz Committee Meeting

Dear Parents,

Nowruz Committee of Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) would like to invite you to attend the first ICEC Nowruz Comittee meeting on Saturday November 7, 2015 from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM in school Cafeteria.

Nowruz is one of the most important iranian celebration and it is the biggest event which is being held every year with support and participation of ICEC families.
Meeting agenda:
     1- Nowruz committee organization
     2- Review of last year Nowruz survey
     3- Volunteers signups

Your participation and support of Nowruz Committee will be critical to make this celebration another successful event.

ICEC Nowruz celebration will be on Sunday March 13, 2016.

نشست کمیته نوروز مرکز فرهتگی و آموزشی ایران

مادران و پدران گرامی

  کمیته نوروز مرکز فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران از شما دعوت می کند در نخستین نشست خود در تاریخ 7 نوامبر 2015 از ساعت 9:45 تا 10:45 بامداد در سالن گرد هم آیی مرکز شرکت کنید

 جشن نوروز بزرگترین جشن ملی ایرانیان است  که مرکز  فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران هر سال با همیاری شماری از خانواده ها برگزار میکند

امیدراریم با شرکت و همیاری شما در این نشست انسال نیز مانند سال های پیش این جشن با شکوه هر چه بیشتر برگزار شود

:برنامه این نشست به ترتیب زیر خواهد بود

   آشنایی با کمیته نوروز و چگونگی کار آن *

بررسی حشن نوروز سال پیش *

نام نویسی در کمیته های نوروز *

جشن نوروز مرکز فرهتگی و آموزشی ایران در روز یکشنبه 13 مارچ 2016 خواهد بود


Mehregan 2015

Community and School Association of Iran Cultural & Educational Center (ICEC) will be offering a short program in celebration of Mehrgan. This program aims to familiarize our students with this ancient festival that celebrates kindness and reaffirms friendship. Students are encouraged to dress in traditional costumes.


Saturday October 17, 2015
11:00 – 11:30 A.M.
School Cafeteria

Brief history of Mehrgan
Dance and Music

جشن مهرگان

انجمن خانه ومدرسه مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران برای گرامی داشت جشن ملی مهرگان ،  جشن دوستی و مهربانی ، برنامه کوتاهی را در سالن گردهم آیی مرکز برگزار خواهد کرد. دانش آموزان را به پوشیدن لباس های محلی تشویق می کنیم

    :زمان برنامه
روز شنبه 17 اکتبر 2015
ساعت 11:00 تا 11:30  بامداد
:برنامه شامل
تاریخچه مهرگان
شعر خوانی
رقص و موسیقی

Mehregan  2014 Slide show:

2015-2016 Registration

2015-2016 On-line Registration is closed now.

(Updated 09/26/2015)

On-line Registration:

All returning families can register their children on-line at ICEC website and pay the tuition through Paypal with your Paypal account or your credit card.  To register, the primary account holder needs to have a username or an email and a password and log in as parent.

Check payments will be processed on the registration day at school on September 12, 2015.

More detailed information is available at:

You can also check the registration Flowchart.

You can also just go to login tab and login with your usename/email as parent

 On-site Registration:

Registration Date:       Saturday, September 12, 2015

Time:                              From 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

Place:                             Ritchie Park Elementary School


New families may fill out the registration information online; however, registration will be done ONLY on-site. All new students will be evaluated and placed, based on space availability, in appropriate classes.

The information about school’s sponsored extra-curricular activities, such as dance, music, and performing arts, will be available at the registration site on September 12th and 19th, 2015.


Farsi classes will start:

On Saturday September 19, 2015


نام نویسی کلاس های فارسی

مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران

سال آموزشی ٢٠١۶ – ٢٠١۵

مادران و پدران گرامی

بدینوسیله به آگاهی مي رسانيم که مانند سال گذشته نام نويسی کلاس های فارسی مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ايران برای دانش آموزان پیشین درتارنمای مرکزانجام می گیرد. خانواده های دانش آموزان سال گذشته می توانند فرزندانشان را در تارنمای مرکز نام نویسی و شهریه این سال را نیزپرداخت کنند.  دانش آموزان جدید می توانند بعد از پرکردن فرم در تارنما برای ارزش یابی، پذیرش و پرداخت شهریه در روز شنبه ۱۲ ماه سپتامبر سال ٢٠١۵ از ساعت ١٠ بامداد تا ١٢ نیم روز در دبستان ريچی پارک در راکويل مريلند مراجعه کنند.


یادآوری می شود که نام نویسی برای شرکت در برنامه های هنری مرکز  (رقص، موسيقی و نمايش) نیز در روزهای ۱۲ و ١۹ سپتامبر انجام خواهد شد.

نام نویسی: روز شنبه ١۲ سپتامبر ٢٠١۵

ساعت 10:00 بامداد تا 12:00 نیم روز

آغاز کلاس های آموزشی: روز شنبه ١۹ سپتامبر ٢٠١۵

 ساعت 9:30 بامداد تا  12:30 پس از نیم روز

New School Year

Dear Students,

As we prepare to begin a new school year, on behalf of the ICEC administration, the instructional staff, and myself, I would like to welcome you and wish you a very successful and rewarding academic year. We are excited to see so many of you who will be returning this year and to have the opportunity to greet and to know many new students who will be joining us for the first time. As always, our goal is to help you make the most of the instructional time by having an in-depth understanding of the Iranian cultural heritage and by gaining proficiency in the language in an engaging and learner-centered environment. The fact that you are spending part of your Saturdays participating in our classes is a reflection of your commitment to achieving this goal. Your enthusiasm and love of learning are crucial in preserving our cultural heritage and language.

As part of our ongoing efforts to achieve our common goal more effectively, last year made some changes to the way we would be communicating with you throughout the year. Now, through the enhanced ICEC website, you will be able to communicate with your instructors and access lessons, homework assignments and projects online. Your instructors will provide you with more information. We will also make every effort to differentiate the instruction based on proficiency levels to maximize learning. As part of this effort, the posted weekly “Can-Do” statements and ongoing formative assessments will allow you to better measure your own progress throughout the year. As the year goes on, we will review, reflect and readjust the instructional strategies to better meet your needs.


2015-2016 Summer Picnic

The School & Community Association of the Iran Cultural and Educational Center would like to invite all the families and their friends to its annual summer potluck picnic to kick off new school year.

This picnic will be held on Sunday August 30, 2015 from 12 noon to 5:00 PM at Black Hill Regional Park in Boyds, Maryland.  Shelter “D” has been reserved for the occasion.

Grab your lunch and come and spend a nice day with other Farsi school families.

Ehsan Motazidi      Tel:   (240) 777-6321

Shelter “D”
Black Hill Regional Park

20930 Lake Ridge Drive
Boyds, MD 20841

2014-2015 Graduation

پایان سال آموزشی

٦  ژوئن ٢٠١۵

 خانواده های گرامی٬

 پایان سال آموزشی مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران در روز شنبه ٦ ژوئن ٢٠١۵ خواهد بود

                         :برنامه ی روز پایانی سا ل آموزشی مرکز به ترتیب زیر خواهد بود

 از ساعت ٩:٣٠ تا  ١١:٠٠  بامداد ادامه برنامه های آموزشی هفتگی در کلاس های درس

از ساعت ١١:٠٠ بامداد  تا ٤۵ :١١ شرکت خانواده ها در کلاس های درس برای تشویق دانش آموزان به هنگام دریافت کارنامه های آموزشی

      .شرکت شما در روز پایانی سال آموزشی سبب تشویق فرزندانمان خواهد شد

مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران


School Graduation, June 6, 2015


Dear Parents,

The end of school year graduation of Iran Cultural and Educational Center will be held on June 6th, 2015.

The program will be as follow:

–          Students will attend their regular classes from 9:30 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.

–          Parents will visit the classes from 11:00 A.M. to 11:45 A.M.

We thank you in advance for joining us

Iran Cultural and Educational Center

2015-2016 Iran Arbabi Scholarship

Dear ICEC Community,
At ICEC’s 25th Anniversary Gala we announced the creation of the Iran Arbabi Scholarship Program.  Named and endowed in honor of the founder of ICEC, this scholarship program has been created to encourage and assist students in their post-secondary education.  For more information and to download the scholarship application select items in the menue or click:

Important Dates

Immediately– ICEC starts accepting applications for the 2015-2015 school year. The Application Form will be available for download from the ICEC web site:

2015-2016 ICEC Scholorship Program Application packet


June 30, 2015 – Final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for the 2015-2016 Scholarship Program.  Application materials must be mailed in one packet to:

Iran Abrabi Scholarship Program
Iran Cultural and Educational Center

12030 Gatewater Drive
Potomac, MD 20854

Transcripts and letters of recommendation should not be sent separately. Incomplete, e-mailed, or faxed applications will not be considered.  Winners of the scholarship will be notified by August 1, 2015 and names will be posted on the ICEC web site.

Basic Requirements

Applicants should meet the following requirements to be eligible for the Iran Arbabi Scholarship. They must:

  • Be of Iranian descent
  • Be a U.S. citizen or lawfully reside in the United States
  • Submit verification of participation in activities in the Persian community (e.g. attendance at a Farsi language school, participation in Persian art or cultural group (music, dance, theater, etc.), volunteer activities for Persian community based charity, membership in a Persian student association, etc.)
  • Attend, or be accepted for attendance at, an accredited American college or university in a full-time undergraduate or graduate degree program.
  • Possess a high school diploma, or the recognized equivalent of a high school diploma.
  • Have good academic standing (GPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Complete and submit a Scholarship Application Form, including:
    1. Two letters of recommendation; at least one letter should be from a teacher or other school professional
    2. A one page essay about your dreams and aspirations
    3. A one page essay: How has your cultural heritage formed the person you are,  and in what way will this serve you as an asset to promote Persian language and culture in the future?
    4. An official transcript with the school seal on it