Category Archives: events

Nowruz and Yalda Committees Meeting

مادران و پدران گرامی

  کمیته نوروز مرکز فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران از شما دعوت می کند در نخستین نشست خود در تاریخ ۱۲ نوامبر ۲۰۱۶ از ساعت۴۵: ۹ تا  ۱۰:۴۵بامداد در کلاس شماره ۱۲۴ مرکز شرکت کنید

جشن نوروز بزرگترین جشن ملی ایرانیان است  که مرکز  فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران هر سال با همیاری شماری از خانواده ها برگزار   می کند

امیدراریم با شرکت و همیاری شما در این نشست امسال نیز مانند سال های پیش این جشن با شکوه هر چه بیشتر برگزار شود.

:برنامه این نشست به ترتیب زیر خواهد بود

   آشنایی با کمیته نوروز و چگونگی کار آن *
بررسی  برنامه سال پیش *
نام نویسی در کمیته های نوروز و انتخاب هماهنگ کننده کمیته نوروز  *
اطلاعات در مورد جشن نوروز ۱۳۹۶ *



نشست کمیته یلدا مرکز فرهتگی و آموزشی ایران
کمیته یلدا مرکز فرهنکی و آموزشی ایران از داوطلبان همکاری در برنامه حشن شب یلدا دعوت می کند که در نخستین  نشست  خود در پایان جلسه نوروز شرکت کنند

ICEC Nowruz Committee’s Meeting 

Dear Parents,

Nowruz Committee of Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) would like to invite you to attend the first ICEC Nowruz Committee meeting on Saturday November 12, 2016 from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM in Room 124.

Nowruz is one of the most important Iranian celebrations and it is the biggest event which is being held every year with support and participation of ICEC families.

Meeting agenda:
1- Nowruz committee organization
2- Review of last year Nowruz survey
3- Volunteers signups, and election of new Nowruz coordinator
4- Information about Nowruz 1396

Your participation and support of Nowruz Committee will be critical to make this celebration another successful event.

ICEC Nowruz celebration will be on Saturday March 11, 2017.



Yalda Committee Meeting

Following Nowruz Committee Meeting, Yalda committee will meet to prepare for this year’s celebration. Please plan to attend.

Mehregan 2015

Community and School Association of Iran Cultural & Educational Center (ICEC) will be offering a short program in celebration of Mehrgan. This program aims to familiarize our students with this ancient festival that celebrates kindness and reaffirms friendship. Students are encouraged to dress in traditional costumes.


Saturday October 17, 2015
11:00 – 11:30 A.M.
School Cafeteria

Brief history of Mehrgan
Dance and Music

جشن مهرگان

انجمن خانه ومدرسه مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران برای گرامی داشت جشن ملی مهرگان ،  جشن دوستی و مهربانی ، برنامه کوتاهی را در سالن گردهم آیی مرکز برگزار خواهد کرد. دانش آموزان را به پوشیدن لباس های محلی تشویق می کنیم

    :زمان برنامه
روز شنبه 17 اکتبر 2015
ساعت 11:00 تا 11:30  بامداد
:برنامه شامل
تاریخچه مهرگان
شعر خوانی
رقص و موسیقی

Mehregan  2014 Slide show:

Nowruz 1394 Message (March 15, 2015)

Dear Friends of ICEC Community,

Words cannot covey my gratitude for everything you did to make the Nowruz celebration another memorable event. Your tireless work and well-coordinated planning from the beginning of the school year were reflected in the entire program. Throughout the program, we heard nothing but praise for the exceptional quality of the performances, management, services, and reception. In the ICEC community, the Nowruz celebration has become a lasting tradition that brings together former and current students and parents, and through which each member assumes a crucial role to ensure its success. The success of this year’s Nowruz celebration was another example of your group work and well coordinated planning and management. The amount of work involved at each stage of planning and execution is a reflection of your commitment and dedication.

For over two hours, our children showcased the best of our cultural heritage, surpassing expectations with their performances. They were comfortable in their roles and enjoyed being onstage. The beautifully performed “Ey-Iran”, with the colorfully-decorated stage in the background, along with skillfully-recited and uplifting poems by the masters of ceremony set the stage for the rest of the evening.  Throughout the program, students one by one and group after group performed with talent and exuberance. The class performances, dances, pieces of music, and play all attest to the well-nurtured talents of our children and also to the undeniable fact that our joint efforts in preserving our cultural heritage have not been in vain.  It was indeed a magical evening; we didn’t want it to end.

The Nowruz celebration was a reminder that ICEC is much more than a language school. Throughout the years, your love of our cultural heritage has supported our common goal of building a community in which the sense of belonging and pride is apparent in every aspect. Surely, our children will be the future ambassadors of cultural awareness and understanding and will strive toward building a much more peaceful world.

Once again, on behalf of Dr. Alizadeh Taeb and my colleagues at the Center, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the former and current students, and the Nowruz Committee members who worked to keep alive this centuries-old tradition thousands of miles away from the country where it was born.

Happy New Year!

نوروزتان پیروز

Iran Arbabi

Nowruz 1394- March 2015 (posted 02/02/2015)

Nowruz 2015 celebration will be on Saturday March 14, 2015 at Watkins Mill High school.

This site is used to reserve tickets for this event for ICEC members. Note that this site is not used to pay for reserved tickets, all ticket payments are collected at school when tickets are picked up. (By clicking on paypal icon, you only will reserve your tickets). Please note that due to space availability, the numbers of tickets are limited and are on first come first serve basis. All the current students and their parents have 1st priority in getting tickets and must purchase their tickets by February 21st. You can reserve your additional tickets through this site/or the waiting list at school. After February 28th, any available ticket will be offered to student’s other family members and guests based on the waiting list. Please follow the ticket link below to complete the form and provide your information. You will receive a confirmation email to let you know the number of additional tickets that you can receive.

Discounted Adult Ticket Price: $30.00 If purchased on or before February 21st at school
Adult Ticket Price: $35.00 If purchased after February 21st

Tickets will not be available on the day of event.

Please enter a name and email address for your confirmation and tickets
Choose your tickets and pay for them at PayPal. You will fill in your ticket information after your purchase is completed.

Yalda 2014 (update)

Community and School Association of Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) and the Instructional staff invites you to attend annual Yalda Celebration. This program aims to familiarize students with this ancient celebration.

We encourage students to dress in traditional outfits.

Saturday December 20, 2014
11:00 – 11:30 A.M.
Richie Park Elementary School Cafeteria


جشن شب یلدا

برای آشنا کردن دانش آموزان با جشن های ملی، آموزگاران و انجمن خانه و مدرسه مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران برنامه ای به مناسبت شب یلدا در سالن گرد هم آیی مرکز برگزار خواهند کرد

از شما خانواده های گرامی در خواست می کنیم که با فرزندان خود در این جشن شرکت کنید
دانش آموزان می توانند در آن روزلباس های محلی بپوشند

زمان برنامه
روز شنبه 20 دسامبر2014
ساعت 11:00 تا 11:30

قصه مادر بزرگ
رقص و موسیقی

Yalda 2014 Slide show:

A Thousand Years of Persian Books at Library of Congress

The Library of Congress will celebrate the March 27 opening of its exhibition “A Thousand Years of the Persian Book” with a day-long program that includes a lecture and a panel discussion on Persian manuscripts and the tradition of manuscript-making in Persian-speaking lands.  To find out more please go to :

25th Anniversary Morning Sessions Registration and Information

The Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) is pleased to announce a one-day Conference and evening Gala to celebrate its 25th Anniversary and accomplishment of young Iranian-Americans.

The vision for this event is to create a platform to encourage social and professional interactions amongst ICEC Alumni and other young Iranian-Americans, celebrate their achievements and invite their participation to preserve ICEC’s goals through promoting Persian language and culture.

– See more at: icec-25th-anniversary-

-See the conference flyer at: ICEC Morning Conference Flyer

Conference Registration
Conference Agenda
Hotel information
Ticket Information

ICEC 25th Anniversary Event

Iran Cultural and Educational Center
Celebrating its 25th Anniversary and
the Achievements of Young Iranian-Americans

Conference and Gala – Saturday October 12, 2013

The Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) is pleased to announce a one-day Conference and evening Gala to celebrate its 25th Anniversary and accomplishment of young Iranian-Americans.

The vision for this event is to create a platform to encourage social and professional interactions amongst ICEC Alumni and other young Iranian-Americans, celebrate their achievements and invite their participation to preserve ICEC’s goals through promoting Persian language and culture.
Click Here to register for this event online.

The goals of this event are to:

i) Initiate the formation of an active ICEC Alumni Association.
ii) Provide a forum for academic and cultural discussion to promote Iranian heritage.
iii) Recognize the pillars of ICEC’s success (parents, students, teachers, founders and board members).
iv) Recognize the achievements of ICEC’s Alumni.
v) Chart a course for enhancing the role of ICEC in the community and as a source for promoting Persian heritage.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Marriott Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College (UMUC), College Park, Maryland

3501 University Blvd, East, Hyattsville, Maryland 20783 USA

Daytime Conference: The Conference, running from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., will be a day of inspiration, networking and education. Registration and attendance for the Conference are free. The program will start with a plenary session with a keynote speaker who will set out an overview of the major themes of the conference (Cultural Identity and Professional Networking). This will be followed by break-out panel sessions. The attendees will have the option of choosing from panel topics such as Language, Cultural Identity, Community Advocacy, immigrant Resources, and Professional Networking.

Evening Gala: The Evening Gala will begin with a reception at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, entertainment and dancing.

Ticket Information: There is no ticket required for the Daytime Conference. The ticket price for the Evening Gala is $80.00 per individual or $750.00 per table of 10. Please purchase your ticket through this website or in person at school to secure your tickets. Your can pickup your tickets at school.

Hotel Information: A block of hotel rooms at a discounted rate of $99 for Cozy rooms and $129 for Executive rooms is allocated for this event based on first come first serve. To benefit from the above rates, please mention ICEC 25th Anniversary event when booking rooms. You need to book your room no later than October 3, 2013. Reservations for the Event will be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at 1 (800) 228-9290 or (301) 985-7300

(This event is intended for individuals 13 years and older)

Order your Tickets here:

Please enter a name and email address for your confirmation and tickets
Choose your tickets and pay for them at PayPal. You will fill in your ticket information after your purchase is completed.