Category Archives: Principal & Teachers Corner

Nowruz1400 Message

Dear ICEC Community: Current and Former Parents and Students

Our heartfelt gratitude for your support in making it possible for us to bring the community together in celebration of Nowruz 1400. Your children volunteered to perform in the program, and you, despite your busy schedule, welcomed their choices and supported them every step of the way.  This year, in particular, your support was crucial since most practices, and all productions had to take place at home. Your dedication provided our students the opportunity to display with pride their unique talents and also their heritage culture through a wide range of uplifting performances.

This year’s event, the same as the past ones, resulted from the collaborative efforts of the current and former student and parent-volunteers. The Young Iranian Musicians’ inspiring performance, under the direction of Payam Yousefi, was a perfect example of participation by the past and present students who wholeheartedly welcomed the challenges and artfully performed their pieces that later were synchronized by Payam.  Needless to say, that several members of the Nowruz Celebration Committee, that under the direction of Mr. Emtiaz initiated, coordinated, and directed the program, are also former parents. Additionally, Iman Sharifi, one of our former students, helped with the technical aspects of several parts of the program.

Over the years, thanks to the unwavering support of dedicated parent-volunteers like you and committed instructional staff, ICEC has surmounted obstacles to establish itself as an enduring institution.  This year, particularly in the face of exceptionally challenging circumstances, your dedication and selfless efforts have been crucial in reinforcing our sense of community. There is no doubt in our mind that we will come out of this dark period more determined in efforts to preserve our common heritage language and culture not as an end but as a means of helping the younger generation to connect to and value other cultures. This awareness is key to the peaceful world that we want the next generation to live in. 

Our sincere gratitude and Happy New Year!


New School Year-2020-2021

Dear Parents, 

As we approach the new academic year we have thought long and hard on how we can continue to serve our community.  Your commitment to the education of your children deserves an equally strong commitment from us.  Through changing times as well as unchanging times, we want to continue to be that resource that preserves and shares the cultural history that you and ICEC have consistently provided to our children.

With the health and safety of our students as the first priority, we are committed to continuing the virtual instruction that was successfully implemented at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.  With on-going support from you, we are confident that we have a program ready to implement that will be both engaging and meaningful.  We have been developing and modifying our curriculum to meet the challenges of virtual learning.  Our instructional staff have engaged in additional training specifically designed to address the evolving world of on-line teaching.  We are confident that you and your children will reap the rewards of this effort.

At present, the ICEC plan is to begin the year offering virtual instruction for grades 1 and up on Saturdays, starting on Saturday, September 19th.  Instructional sessions will be 60 minutes for grades 1 and 2 and 75 minutes for the rest of the classes. A detailed schedule will be imparted via email and ICEC website during the week of September 14th, right after the online registration window that will be from August 27th to September 10th.  New students will be invited, through email, for virtual orientation and a short interview on September 12th.  For further information regarding the registration, including the tuition please refer to:

Tuition Information


Going forward, we continue to monitor and evaluate how we can meet the educational goals of the community.  This means, at a minimum, we are in regular contact with the Montgomery County facility managers and should the opportunity to modify our plan and offer in-person teaching arise, we will reconsider our mode of instruction.

Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to share with us your thoughts and suggestions. We value your input and look forward to it.    

Looking forward to a great, productive academic year,


End of School Year 2019-2020


Dear Parents, 

We would like to sincerely thank all of you for your unwavering support, as we look back on the 2019-2020 academic year and its unique challenges. Your strong role in the education of your children allowed us to continue to stay connected with them and engage them in meaningful learning.  This support has its roots in our shared belief in the importance of preserving cultural heritage and passing it onto the next generation to equip them for the real world where cultural awareness is key to peace and prosperity.   

Transitioning from face-to-face to virtual instruction would not have been successful without your crucial support and the hard work of our dedicated instructional staff. Once it became evident that Maryland Schools would not open for the remainder of the academic year, the instructional staff, although with little or no experience in online language instruction, welcomed the challenge and worked tirelessly to provide their students with purposeful and engaging learning experiences. In this effort, they also identified and effectively used a variety of online authentic resources to enhance instruction. This resulted in students’ positive response to the new learning environment, as reflected by their perfect to near perfect attendance in most classes.  In light of this uplifting experience, we are convinced that regardless of what the Maryland School system may decide in the fall, our community will remain strong and continue to thrive.   

Looking forward, Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC), the same as any other educational institution, will take advantage of the summer months to prepare for any possibility, i.e., face-to-face, online, or the combination of face-to-face and online instruction.  To this end, summer work will be a combination of teacher training, curriculum refinement, and sample learning plans development as listed below:

  • Review and revise the program of studies to make it more adaptable to online instruction;
  • Provide the instructional staff with ongoing professional development on learner-centered strategies;
  • Identify authentic resources to more effectively integrate culture, content, and language;
  •  Develop sample learning plans based on World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.

Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to share with us your thoughts and suggestions. We value your input and look forward to it.  We will be in touch.  

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and pleasant summer,


Opening Status

Dear ICEC Family and Friends;

We at ICEC wish you warm regards and hope you are doing well.  As we find ourselves adapting to a new (but temporary) lifestyle, we hope that each and every one of you is taking the time to find comfort, joy and love with your family and friends, whether under your roof at home or remotely through technology.

As you may be aware, public schools, and the use of public-school facilities, in Montgomery County continue to be closed until at least April 24, 2020.  Consequently, ICEC must continue to suspend classes.  At this time, there is no fixed date as to when we may be able to resume classes.

We will provide regular updates as soon as we have more information.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Please be well and be safe. 


Dear Friends of Iran Cultural and Educational Center,

In the spirit of this giving season, if you plan to donate to some cause, you may wish to consider donations that benefit a Persian cultural or educational activity. There are a number of such organizations that are active and registered as non-profit organization in the Washington Metropolitan area.

As you are aware, one such organization is the Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC), registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Maryland. ICEC is non-commercial, non-partisan and non-sectarian and with no political or religious affiliation to any group, party or government.  Since its inception in 1990, ICEC’s sole mission has been “to create a nurturing environment that strengthens the sense of connection, pride and appreciation of Iranian culture, heritage and history.”

ICEC is a registered member of the United Way of the National Capital Area (UWNCA) and Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). If you wish to make a contribution to ICEC through United Way campaigns, please visit  and enter designation number 8643 for ICEC as a non-profit partner. To contribute to ICEC through CFCNCA, please enter designation number 24136 on your CFCNCA form. All contributions to ICEC, according to Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code are tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).

ICEC Board of Trustees, Officers and Teachers

2019-2020 Scholarship Recipients

Iran Arbabi Scholarship Awardees

For 2019-2020 Academic Year

Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) is pleased to announce that, with a donation received from National University of Iran Alumni, it was able to increase the number of Iran Arbabi Scholarship recipients for the 2019-20 academic year.

A panel of independent experts, appointed by the ICEC Board of Trustees, reviewed all applications and supporting documents and recommended 3 applicants who received the highest scores to receive scholarship. The following three top applicants are awarded an adjusted amount of  $1,500, each:


Miss Tara Manzari

Miss Mana Mostofi-Tehrani

Miss Elica Semnani


ICEC would like to congratulate the awardees and wish them a very successful academic year.

ICEC Alumni-Yosmin Badie

Yosi Badie graduated cum laude from The University of Maryland with a major in Economics and Government & Politics, and a minor in Mathematics. As a daughter of Iranian immigrants, she served as the President of the Iranian Students’ Foundation, where she focused on building community amongst fellow Iranian-American students and connecting to the greater Iranian community.
Upon graduation, Yosi worked as a business development associate at Bloomberg. With the refugee crisis reaching its peak during this time, she decided to leave the corporate world to actively support communities fleeing their homes in search of safety. She moved to Thessaloniki, Greece to volunteer for Emergency Response Centre International, a Greek NGO.
There, she managed Elpida Refugee Camp, working alongside Syrian and Iraqi residents to improve the conditions of the camp and to transform it into a dignified community space.
After 7 months in Greece, Yosi returned stateside to run the Washington D.C. branch of The Petey Greene Program, where she supported the academic achievement of incarcerated people in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia by bringing university students to tutor GED students inside prisons and jails. Yosi worked to expand access to education on the inside and worked
alongside those incarcerated to establish the program at the Washington, D.C. Jail.
Yosi will be starting law school in the Fall at NYU as a Root-Tilden-Kern public interest scholar. At NYU, Yosi hopes to expand her capacity to not only mitigate the experience of oppression faced by refugees, immigrants, incarcerated individuals, and other marginalized communities, but to also leverage her education to dismantle these systems of oppression.


The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) is a national non-profit organization that works to increase the amount of women and girls in computing. Recently, Auva Amirmokri, teacher’s assistant for the 5th grade class, received a Maryland Affiliate award through this organization. She was invited to the University of Maryland, where she was recognized for her efforts in getting girls more involved in computer science and programming. This is her second and highest award received from NCWIT.

2019 Picture Day


 ١١ مه ٢٠١٩ روز عکس

خانواده های گرامی
برای ماندگاری یاد روزهای شیرین کلاس های آموزش زبان فارسی دراندیشه کودکان دلبندمان، امسال نیز مانند  سال های پیش مرکز فرهنگی و آموزشی ایران، در روز شنبه ١١ مه ٢٠١٩   شماری عکس گروهی از هر کلاس و نیز یک عکس از تمام دانش آموزان مرکزتهیه خواهد کرد
.این عکس ها ٨در ١٠ وهر یک به بهای ١٠ دلار می باشد
،اگر مایل به دریافت عکس های گروهی کلاس و عکس گروهی مرکز می باشید
 .خواهشمند است فرم زیر را پر کنید و به همراه بهای عکس تا تاریخ ١١  مه ٢٠١٩ به مدرسه بفرستید
 یاد آوری می شود که عکس ها تنها برای دانش آموزانی که در خواست خود را به مرکز داده باشند چاپ  خواهد شد

May 11, 2019 Picture Day

Dear Parents,
ICEC annual class picture day will be on May 11, 2019.  If you are interested to receive your child/children class or/and school pictures, please fill out the form below and have your child return it with the picture fee to the classroom teacher on or before May 11, 2019.
Pictures are 8×10 for $10 each ($20 for both a class picture and school picture).
Pictures will only be ordered for those students who have returned completed form on or before May 11, 2019.  

picture day form