Category Archives: ICEC News

2021-2022 Scholarship

Iran Cultural and Educational Center

Iran Arbabi Scholarship

The Iran Arbabi Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to students of Iranian descent entering or attending an accredited post-secondary institution. The scholarship is granted annually to at least one eligible applicant, selected based on the eligibility criteria listed below. An independent committee that consists of a panel of distinguished scholars and chaired by a member of the ICEC Board of Trustees screens applications in the summer. Members of the selection committee may also interview the finalists. The recipient (s) may use the scholarship to attend an accredited college across the United States. Scholarships are not limited to any specific field or career objective and may be used to pursue any academic discipline for undergraduate or graduate studies.

2021-2022 Scholarship

For the academic year 2021-2022, two separate scholarships will be awarded to applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and are selected by the Selection Committee. The second donation has been made possible by a donation from the National University of Iran Alumni Association.

Basic Requirements

Applicants should meet the following requirements to be considered for the Iran Arbabi Scholarship. They must:

  1. Be of Iranian descent;
  2. Lawfully reside in the Maryland, Virginia, or the District of Columbia, United Sates;
  3. Submit verification of participation in activities that promote Persian culture and heritage to include, but not limited to attendance at a Farsi language school, participation in Persian art or cultural group (music, dance, theater, etc.), volunteer activities for a Persian community-based charity, active participation in a Persian student association, etc.
  4. Attend, or be accepted for attendance, at an accredited American college or university in a full-time undergraduate or graduate degree program in Maryland, Virginia or District of Columbia.
  5. If attending, or accepted for attendance, an undergraduate program:
  6. a) Possess a high school diploma, or the recognized equivalent of a high school diploma,
  7. b) Have good academic standing (GPA of 3.0 or higher)
  8. If attending a graduate program: a) Possess proof of successful completion of undergraduate studies, i.e., Bachelor degree `

All participants need to:

  1. Complete and submit a Scholarship Application Form;
  2. Two letters of recommendation; at least one letter should be from an instructor/professor or other high school/college professional;
  3. An official transcript with the college seal on it;
  4. Two one-page essays each on:
    1. What are your dreams and aspirations?
    2. How has your cultural heritage formed the person you are, and in what way will this serve you as an asset to promote Persian language and culture in the future?


Important Application Dates


May 15, 2021 – ICEC starts accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year.

The Application Form will be available for download from the ICEC website at:

June 30, 2021 (Extended to July 30, 2021)– Final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for the 2021-2022 Scholarship Program.  Application materials must be mailed in one packet to:


Iran Abrabi Scholarship Program

Iran Cultural and Educational Center

14644 Pinto Lane, Rockville, MD 20850-3536


 Transcripts and letters of recommendation should not be sent separately. Incomplete, e-mailed, or faxed applications will not be considered.


August 15, 2021: Winners of the scholarship will be notified, and names will be posted on the ICEC web site.


 Scholarship Conditions


The Iran Arbabi Scholarships may be used to supplement existing benefits from the student’s college or university, or from other foundations or organizations. Recipients may use the scholarship to cover the costs of tuition, fees, room, and board. Funds will be paid to selected candidates upon receiving transcripts and proof of course registration and enrollment. Financial need may be taken into consideration in awarding a scholarship. If the Scholarship Committee determines that financial need will be taken into consideration, the applicant may be required to provide financial information at a later time.

A recipient’s scholarship can be revoked if the student:

  • fails to graduate from high school;
  • fails to enroll in an institution of higher education in the year for which the scholarship was awarded;
  • fails to comply with the rules, regulations or conditions of the institution the student attends; or
  • receives the scholarship through error or contrary to law.

Retroactive payment of the scholarship is not permitted.


2020-2021 School Year (updated August 2020)

Dear Parents,
At present, the ICEC plan is to begin the year offering virtual instruction for grades 1 and up on Saturdays, starting on Saturday, September 19th.  Instructional sessions will be 60 minutes for grades 1 and 2 and 75 minutes for the rest of the classes. A detailed schedule will be imparted via email and ICEC website during the week of September 14th, right after the online registration window that will be from August 27th to September 10th.  New students will be invited, through email, for virtual orientation and a short interview on September 12th.
For further information regarding the registration, including the tuition please refer to:

RIP Hamid (David) Fadae

It is with the greatest of sadness that ICEC announces the heartbreaking news of the death of our friend of School, Mr. Hamid Fadae.  He passed away on Friday March 6th after a sudden massive heart attack. On behalf of our community at ICEC, we are sending out to his family, our most heartfelt condolences and sympathy.

Mr. Hamid Fadae will be deeply missed in ICEC, leaving behind only those fond memories. He always celebrated life and enjoyed it to the fullest.  His positive outlook on life was most admirable, even contagious some would say. He always had a smile for everyone and was highly regarded by everyone who ever had the opportunity to meet him.

This is truly a great loss to our ICEC school and to our community as a whole. He will be profoundly missed by everyone whose lives he touched.

Nowruz Event Cancellation

Cancellation of ICEC Nowruz Program, March 7th, 2020

The impact of the coronavirus outbreak worldwide and especially in Iran is evident.

It’s difficult to predict the wider impact the coronavirus will have in the weeks to come. Nonetheless, we must take into consideration the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (U.S. Center for Disease Control).  In addition, we consider the recommendations of these organizations in light of the likelihood that members of our community may have recently traveled to places of higher risk for the virus.

Consequently, it is with great regret and the utmost regard for safety of our Children and community members, that ICEC has an obligation to cancel the upcoming Nowruz Program scheduled for March 7, 2020. 

We wish to thank all Organizers, Parents, extracurricular activities leaders, 
Volunteers, Teachers, Students, and Vendors for their outstanding efforts and collaboration in preparation of our Nowruz Program.

Happy and healthy Nowruz to all,

Nowruz Meeting and Volunteers Sign Up

Nowruz Committee of Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC) would like to invite you to attend the first ICEC Nowruz Committee meeting in 2020 on Saturday January 11, 2020  from 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM.

Meeting agenda:
    1- Nowruz activities update by various groups.
    2- Volunteer tasks/assignments
    3- Class Liaison update
    4- PDT, YIM and YIP update
    5- Other tasks
    6- Q/A

Nowruz Volunteers:

Please use the following link to volunteer for different tasks.  Your participation and support of Nowruz Committee will be critical to make this celebration another successful event.

Please notice that some of the tasks are required to be performed prior to and some of them are for after the event on March 7th. 

Nowruz Volunteers sign up Link 

If you have any question please send an email to : 

Nowruz coordinator :


CSA President: 




Dear Friends of Iran Cultural and Educational Center,

In the spirit of this giving season, if you plan to donate to some cause, you may wish to consider donations that benefit a Persian cultural or educational activity. There are a number of such organizations that are active and registered as non-profit organization in the Washington Metropolitan area.

As you are aware, one such organization is the Iran Cultural and Educational Center (ICEC), registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Maryland. ICEC is non-commercial, non-partisan and non-sectarian and with no political or religious affiliation to any group, party or government.  Since its inception in 1990, ICEC’s sole mission has been “to create a nurturing environment that strengthens the sense of connection, pride and appreciation of Iranian culture, heritage and history.”

ICEC is a registered member of the United Way of the National Capital Area (UWNCA) and Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). If you wish to make a contribution to ICEC through United Way campaigns, please visit  and enter designation number 8643 for ICEC as a non-profit partner. To contribute to ICEC through CFCNCA, please enter designation number 24136 on your CFCNCA form. All contributions to ICEC, according to Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code are tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).

ICEC Board of Trustees, Officers and Teachers

2019-2020 School Year Scholarship

ICEC Iran Arbabi Scholarship


2019-20 Academic Year Accepts Applications


ICEC is pleased to announce the award of Two (2) scholarships to eligible applicants for the academic year of 2019-2020 as follows:

  • $2,000.00 from Iran Arbabi annual scholarship fund
  • $2,000.00 from donated funds by National University of Iran Alumni

For more information and how to apply, please click on the link below:

2019-2020 Scholarship  Link

کمک هزینه آموزشی ایران اربابی

برای سال آموزشی ۲۰۱۹ ـ ۲۰۲۰ درخواست می پذیرد


مرکز فرهنگی وآموزشی ایران با خرسندی به آگاهی می رساند که در سال آموزشی ۲۰۱۹ ـ ۲۰۲۰، دو

 در خواست کننده دارای شرایط  کمک هزینه آموزشی دریافت خواهند کرد

ا- ۲۰۰۰ دولار از حساب سالانه کمک هزینه آموزشی ایران اربابی

ب- ۲۰۰۰ دولار از حساب اهدایی انجمن دانشجویان پیشین دانشگاه ملی ایران

فرم های درخواست وآگاهی های بیشتر در سامانه مرکزموجود است

2019-2020 Scholarship  لینک